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*Perception Alert* Did I sense this wrong?

I hear a knock at the door and from where I laid down could tell it was a stranger with somewhat small feet. I put my shoes on and go to the door. Not sure why, I put my shoes on, just wanted to feel ready.

I opened the door to an older (mid 50's) white male of rather slight stature who looked surprised to see me, and stated, "you're not.." I said, "no." He said do you have a lawn service? He was in a red leather jacket and had the demeanor of Percy from Prison Break. I didn't know if this was mistaken identity or if it was a person selling lawn care. He certainly didn't look dressed for labor and his jacked up red vintage loud motor truck didn't fit the sales man profile. So, I said we have a guy who was supposed to come by this week and hasn't, and then he offered to do it better for $5.00 more. I lied and he may of just played his game too just to see what was happening. long white dresses

At this point I made sure to keep my one hand he hasn't seen behind the door. What the fuck was this turning into? He seemed angry that I didn't want to talk with him. Like he was talking in code to me and pissed. He walked off the porch, tossed a hand in the air like either to check a watch or exasperation, and went back to his truck and sat there for a long moment in MY driveway.

My PTSD may of turned this into more, but not sure, what do you guys think?